Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ask Pauline

This is another site I often turn to for suggestions:

Friday, July 23, 2010


The first curriculum that I was introduced to was Sonlight. I've dabbled in and out of Sonlight over the years. Some of their cores I've loved, others I have found difficult to implement. However, I LOVE their book lists and often refer to them when looking for good literature for my kids.

My favorite core (so far) was Sonlight 3+4 American History. I recommend purchasing the 3+4 and then using it for 2 years. The core is so packed full of material you can easily overwhelm yourself with all of the options. Purchasing the 3+4 starts you out with just the meat of the core and gives you more breathing room.

Here's a link to Sonlight's site:

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I just completed my 13th year of evaluating homeschoolers in Pennsylvania. Its hard to believe I have been doing it for that long! I started right after I had my first baby and and decided not to return as a 4th Grade teacher. The school where I was working had a Homeschool division and asked me to return and help with homeschool evaluations. I found the families that I worked with so inspiring that I ultimately decided to homeschool my own children! Now, 13 years later, I am just as inspired each year. As I meet with the families I find myself taking lots of notes. Usually, those notes are not about the student's work, but instead is a note to myself of some curriculum I'd like to try, field trip I'd like to take, or an activity I think my kids would enjoy. I decided to open up this blog as a place where I can share some of these things with the larger homeschool community. I don't have a timeline or an agenda, I just want to share what has been shared with me. Enjoy!